Dear Parents,

I hope you and the children have had a lovely, relaxing half term break and are well rested and ready for the new half term!  We have a busy and exciting half term ahead including two school trips; one to a mosque and one to Skipton Castle. Both of these trips will be really interesting and will give children a better understanding of the world.  The mosque trip links back very well to the RE topic that we have just done on the pillars of Islam and the Skipton Castle trip is for our local history topic.

Reading Books –Last half term we introduced our new reading scheme. The new books have a phonics and tricky word page on the front cover that needs to be read before starting the book and some questions and discussion points on the back cover to talk about with your child during and after reading the book. These are both really important for your child’s application of phonics, comprehension and understanding. Reading books will continue to be changed as needed but children will need a comment in their reading record to tell us that the book has been finished. We will be also asking children questions about what they have read. Children should be reading and talking about their book for a short period most days, where possible.  We will continue to send home an additional basket book each week for children to have read to them as a bed time story. Reading other books as well as the books that we send home is also really encouraged!

Spellings and homework – New homework will be added in the first week back to homework books for this half term. With regards to spellings we will continue to have new spellings each week and a test on Friday. We may issue spellings which children have previously got right if they are not applying them in their written work. Thank you for all your support learning spellings. This will have a big impact on your child’s reading and writing progress.

Snacks  - Reminder we are a no nut school (we have a child in school with a nut allergy). Please do not allow children to bring anything into school containing nuts. Children should bring their water bottle into school each day – please ensure this is named.

PE- PE will usually be taking place on Mondays and Thursdays of this half term. Occasionally this might change if there are extra events in school in certain weeks. Please ensure that your child has their PE kit on these days and that their kit is labelled.

 Thank you for your continued support in your child’s learning. If you have any queries or concerns over the next half term please do let me know. 

Kind regards,

 Miss Spence

Below is an outline of the work to be covered over the next half term (Spring 2 - 2020) Year 2




This half term we will be reading “The owl who was afraid of the dark” for the first three weeks. We will be working towards writing our own story about overcoming a fear. We will then move on to writing a recount. Children will work on: applying the handwriting from handwriting lessons into their work; using conjunctions to extend sentences; using different adjectives and verbs; punctuating with capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas and apostrophes; use of spellings that we have learnt and good story structure.

Phonics – we will teach a 20 minute phonic lesson daily. Children are split into groups for this, depending on which phase they need to focus on. It is important that children think about breaking down words when writing to help them with their spellings. Children should read as much as possible at home with lots of talk about what they are reading to assist their comprehension.


In Maths we will be first be looking at measuring length, height, mass, volume and capacity. This will involve measuring in centimetres and metres, millilitres and litres and grams and kilograms and it will also involve comparing and ordering. We will then move onto 2D and 3D shape! Finally, we will learn how to tell the time to the hour, quarter past, quarter to and to the half hour. We will look at comparing time in this topic. We will also look at money,  how to make the same amount with different coins and how to find change.


In Science this half term we will look at seasonal changes in Spring and Summer. This will involve looking at what changes occur from winter to spring and then spring to summer, including the weather changes, the changes in plants and trees, changes in hours of daylight and changes in the clothing that we wear in each season.


We will be looking at Skipton Castle as our local history topic this half term. This will involve looking at how Skipton Castle has changed over time; looking at what it would have been like as a Norman castle, to a Medieval castle to the castle of today. We will also look at different events that have happened to the castle and at how the castle is significant in our local area.

Art / DT

In DT this half term we will be investigating, designing, making and evaluating a fruit salad! This will link with the Fairtrade Fortnight.


Our music topic this half term is reggae!  We will be learning a children’s reggae song “Zootime” Through this topic, children will learn to sing, improvise and compose songs. They will listen and appraise reggae songs. We will also begin to use glockenspiels to make music. 


We will be doing PE on Monday and Thursday this half term. Our PE topics this half term are tennis and net and wall games. PLEASE ensure that ALL UNIFORM and PE KIT is labelled to help the process of getting the children changed for PE become more efficient and to avoid children losing things. Please also ensure that children have socks to go with their trainers/pumps.


Our RE topic this half term is “What do Christians believe God is like?”


In PSHE our topic is Relationships. We will be thinking about Personal, Social and Emotional Development: Making Relationships, Managing Feelings and Behaviour, Self Confidence and Self Awareness.. 


In ICT children will be learning to use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content.